Philip Don Estridge

Philip Don Estridge was born in Jacksonville, Florida on June 23rd, 1937. He attended St. Paul's school through kindergarten to the 8th grade. When he graduated from Bishop Kenny Highschool in 1955 he enrolled in the University of Florida, where he would stay until graduating in 1959. He made many contributions to computer science, including being the lead programmer on the first minicomputer. Later in 1981 he went on to invent the first personal computer with IBM. He was then promoted to the vice president of IBM. He died in the crash of Delta airlines flight 191 on August 2nd, 1985, at the age of 48. The most interesting thing I discovered about Philip Don Estridge while researching for this project was that he turned down the position of president at apple offered to him directly by Steve Jobs for millions of dollars, but he declined to continue his work at IBM.



Center for Computing History